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Educational Support

Primary Educational Support

Rejoice Chigoga

Zel Carvalho

Naaillah Sultan

The school employs Educational Support specialists to help children with notable educational needs. There are currently four specialist teachers working in the Primary School and two in the Secondary School. BMIS can cater for a wide range of educational needs, but it has to be said that the school is not a specialist school and there are very limited support services in Lilongwe and the region.

The school’s educational support team are involved in screening all new admissions to the school so that they can assess whether we are in a position to fully cater for their particular needs. Support for children with mild learning difficulties, through dyslexia, ADHD etc., can typically be accommodated within the normal operations of the school with appropriate support. Educational Psychologist reports or additional information are usually required as part of the admission process for entry.

The school has a wide range of international students and we recognize that not all children have English as a first language. Classroom teachers are very familiar with the challenges of dealing with children for whom English is an additional language and through the class teachers and specialist EAL support staff, children typically make quick progress to be able to integrate into the general classroom activities.

Secondary Educational Support

Lesley Peacock

Secondary Principal

Jonathan MacClenahan

DP Coordinator

Richard Ellis

Student Support Coordinator

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